Regional Forest Nutrition Research Project Vol III

Proceedings from Forest Fertilization Symposium: Sustaining & Improving Nutrition & Growth of Western Forests

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: The Place of Nutrition in Forest Management (John P. McMahon)

Section 1: Nutrient Management (
Introduction: James R. Boyle)

Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Tree Nutrition (D.W. Cole & S.P. Gessel)
Chapter 3: Nutrient Management of Coastal Douglas-fir & Western Hemlock Stands: The Issues (G.F. Weetman, E.R.G. McWilliams, & W.A. Thompson)
Chapter 4: Nutrient Management of Subalpine Abies Forests (R.F. Powers & R.L. Edmonds)
Chapter 5: Nutrient Management in Interior Forest Types (R.P. Brockley, R.L. Trowbridge, T.M. Ballard, & A.M. Macadam)

Section 2: Forest Fertilization (Introduction: James A. Moore)

Chapter 6: Nitrogen Fertilizers: Fates and Environmental Effects in Forests (G.E. Nason & D.D. Myrold)
Chapter 7: Response at the Foliar, Tree, & Stand Levels to Nitrogen Fertilization: A Phsiological Perspective (T.M. Hinckley, A.L. Friend, & A.K. Mitchell)
Chapter 8: Diagnosis & Interpretation of Forest Stand Nutrient Status (Reid Carter)
Chapter 9: Fertilization in Coastal Northwest Forests: Using Response Information in Developing Stand-level Tactics (H.N. Chappell, A.S.Y. Omule, & S.P. Gessel)
Chapter 10: Fertilization Response of Subalpine Abies Forests in California (Robert F. Powers)
Chapter 11: Fertilization Response by Interior Forests: When, Where, & How Much? (P.G. Mika, J.A. Moore, R.P. Brockley, & R.F. Powers)

Section 3: Forest Fertilization in Silviculture & Management Decisions (Introduction: Don Connett)

Chapter 12: Effects of Fertilization on Wood Quality & Tree Value (J.M. Cahill & D.G. Briggs)
Chapter 13: Stand Selection Criteria for Nitrogen Fertilization: Current Practices & Future Needs (J. Shumway & J. Olson)
Chapter 14: Considering Fertilization in Forest Management Planning (Douglas Daoust)

Section 4: Current Issues (Introduction: T.A. Terry)

Chapter 15: Effects of Forest Fertilization on Water Quality & Aquatic Resources in the Douglas-fir Region: A Brief Review
(P.A. Bisson, G.G. Ice, C.J. Perrin, & R.E. Bilby)

Chapter 16: Forest Fertilization & Wildlife (T.P. Sullivan & J.A. Rochelle)
Chapter 17: Regulation of Forest Fertilization in the Pacific Region: A Brief Review (J. Gillard & K. Hires)
Chapter 18: Fertilizers & Other Means to Maintain Long-term Productivity of Western Forests (R.E. Miller, J.R. Boyle, A.E. Harvey, T.M. Ballard, L.M. Palazzi, & R.F. Powers)

Section 5: Regional Experience (Introduction: Larry Larsen)

Chapter 19: Forest Fertilization in Interior British Columbia: The Forest Service Approach (P.K. Diggle)
Chapter 20: Experience with Nitrogen Fertilization in Northern Idaho (J.R. Olson)
Chapter 21: Fertilization in Western Washington & Oregon: A Checklist for Projects on National Forest Lands (T.J. Beckman)
Chapter 22: A Coastal Landowner's Approach to Forest Fertilization (Jeff Madsen)
Chapter 23: The Scandinavian Experience in Forest Fertilization Research & Operations (Goran Moller)
Chapter 24: Nutrient Management in Pine Plantations in the Southeastern United States (M.A. Jacobson)
Chapter 25: Prescribing Fertilizers in New South Wales Plantation Forestry (J. Turner & J. Knott)
Chapter 26: Considering Nutrient Management in Future Western Forestry (D.S. DeBell, R.E. Miller, T.A. Terry,
& H.W. Anderson)

Concluding Remarks (G.F. Weetman & R.F. Powers)

Poster Abstracts


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1979 Forest Fertilization Conf
Case History of RFNRP: Investments, Results, & Applications-by:Bruce Bare
Precision Forestry Cooperative
Nitrogen Website
 Stand Management Cooperative Website
RFNRP Reports
School of Envrionmental and Forest Sciences
College of the Environment
University of Washington
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